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Posted by: chenna
Viewing episode 14
March 20, 2018
Last updated on February 4, 2020
Video Tags
Thai lakorn, Thai TV Drama
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Missing episode 14 and 15. 🙁
hi Leap, episode 14 & 15 are there, and it’s working. unless it isn’t for you?
Hi Bong Chenna!
Sorry, I meant to say that episode 14 and a little bit of 15 from the actual movie is missing. The part where they explain how the hero dies and what happened afterwards during the war. Like about the aftermath from his mom and dad. I found the episode on youtube, but not translated. See if you, can see this link: and also
Also bong, on your platform, the button for episode 14 and 15 should be flip around. Again, I was watching the non translated version on youtube and the button for 15 should go first and then 14.
Sorry for the long winded comments. Just want to say thank you so much for having this platform for us to watch. The quality is great and so convenient! I love the movie and can’t wait to look for another one to watch. Auw-kun Trun bong!
hey leap, thanks so much for taking the time to explain. i watched this lakorn last year and and thought something was a bit off. i already switched the buttons and thanks for the support! 🙂