Requests Old

Written by Rei, May 21, 2012


  • Rei

    I’ve been looking for Virtues of Harmony so if anyone has the series, please let me know.

  • Black Mist

    i would like lady warriors of yang family w/ carmen. couldnt find it anywhere. 🙁

  • hi

    any one got the mystery of the sabre.

  • Chantu

    Hi, does anyone have the Korean drama called “My Girlfriend Is An Agent” or “Coffee House” or Extravagant Challenge” (Skip beat). Can you upload it or know where I can watch it in khmer. Thank you…

  • tola

    please upload Demi Gods movie more!!!!

  • K-Bross

    lady warriors of yang family w/ carmen is that the 85 version or the 99 version? i got the 99 version but it call Legendary Fighter The New Yang’s Heroine w/ camen

  • K-Bross

    okey i got it…! do you want to see it Black Mist, if you do i will uploaded

  • K-Bross

    1999 and 2001 is the same movie 1999 one is about guys and 2001 is about they women… it just part 1&2… the 1999 i have but i lost the first disc, so i upload the 2001

  • maliss

    any one have the snow is red? thnx

  • K-Bross

    do any body have this TV drama call Project A staring Dicky Cheung

  • groupon

    K-Bross: I will upload Project A after I finished my current upload. stay tune

  • Syna

    Hello everyone anybody planning the upload the new thai lakorn with Rome and Sirita? I’m not sure what khmer title is but in thai its called “Buang” its a horror movie.. thanks

  • Phada

    does anyone have ‘Where the Legend Begins’ starring ada choi and steven ma?

  • pung

    sorry if this sounds rude but here is a list of series that i am dying to watch but can’t find them anywhere so if any of them is fulfilled is alright. thanks in advance! 🙂

    dreams of colour 2004
    triumphs in the skies 2003
    justice sung 2 1999
    the duke of mount deer 1998
    lady flower fist 1997
    time before time 1997
    deadly secret 1989
    the grand canal 1987
    born to be king 1987
    the legend of the book and the sword 1987
    police cadet serials
    the legend of the ching lady 1985
    the battlefield 1985
    the legend of lady chung 1985
    the smiling proud wanderer 1984
    the emissary 1982

  • groupon

    @pung: i will upload “the smiling proud wanderer – Chow Yun Fat”.

  • K-Bross

    i got Duke Of The Mount Deer 1998 i will uploaded after i finish Duke Of The Mount Deer 1983

  • groupon

    Anyone interest in watching all “My date with a vampire I, II, & III?

  • groupon

    Any1 interest in “The Young Wanderer” by Felix Wong?

    • Ahbee

      yes would love to see that!

    • Hamster

      I would love to see The Young Wanderer!

      Some additional requests:
      The Rough Ride – Tony Leung, Barbara Yung
      Yanky Boy – Leon Lai, Kitty Lai
      United We Stand – Miu Kiu Wai, Barbara Yung
      Before Dawn – Alex Fong, Kitty Lai
      The Foundation – Miu Kiu Wai, Barbara Yung
      The War Heroes – Roger Kwok, Kitty Lai
      The Thief of Honour – Ekin Cheng, Noel Leung

      Thanks in advance.

  • lilly

    Justice Sung 2 will be available tomorrow

  • Davon

    mystery of the sabre. the guy with the one arm.

  • kid2o9

    anyone happen to know when “queens of diamonds and hearts” with roger kwok and fala chen is gonna be dubbed. Looks like a real fun series.

  • shannon

    anyone has perish in the name of love ? I can’t find it anywhere & I really want to watch it.

  • Da

    Do you have enternal happiness (tvb)?

  • tola

    do you have this movie (heaven sword and dragon sabre 1994) i really want to watch this movie!!!!!!thanks!!!!!!!

  • tola

    i ever see Heaven sword and the dragon sabre i984, 2003,2009!but 2000 and 1994 never.can you show me the 2000 one!!!thanks!!!!

  • Melinda

    I have always been a big fan of Dicky Chueng and I tried to watch Obarach Kmang on youtube but the videos were deleted 🙁 the English title is Smart Kid. If you have please upload it, It would be extremely appreciated!! Thank You!!

  • groupon

    i know i’m in a wrong place but no where post problem. KhmerAvenue is acting weird and slow. I just post a Chinese video but I don’t see it.

    • Ash

      Hello Groupon, can you tell me what was the posted video? I will check for you. Thanks.

    • Ash

      The website acting weird is a result from the slow server. I will be moving it to a faster server by the end of the month. The website is currently running on cache mode meaning you will have to be logged in to see the live version. You might experience lag when embedding. Visitors on the other hand are presented with the cache version(technically faster than live) of website and are updated every 1 hour.

  • Chantu

    Hi, does anyone have or know if this Thai Lakorn is out yet dubbed in Khmer? The title in Thai is called “Leh Roy Rak” (hundred tricks of love) starring Cherry Khemupsorn and Great Warin? Thanks…

  • groupon

    I will be uploading Mystery of The Twin Swords I. If anyone have Mystery of The Twin Swords II, please share. Thx

  • henry sun

    look for taichi master serrie?

  • Peace

    Does anyone have thai lakorn Cha et chet prous snaeh in khmer dubbed, Please upload it if u have this lakorn cause i really wanna watch it in khmer. I already watch it in thai and this lakorn is amazing!

  • Pisey

    Does anybody know the thai lakorn “Leh Roy Rak” title in khmer and where can i watch it. Please i’ve been searching like crazy.

  • liloxchii

    Heyy~ does someone has ” a recipe of love ” ? I want to watch it again since I never got the chance to finish it ~

    here is the theme song ~ :

  • Nita

    Sombody have “Vibat Doung Chet Neang Pin Anong”? Plz upload it! Many thanks if someone would be kind upload this lakorn in khmer dubbed!!!

  • Tida

    Hey! Does Anybody Have This Movie Beyond the Realm of Conscience In Khmer Dubbed, I Didnt Get A Chance To Watch It…

    Plz Upload (;

  • purpledaisy11

    Does anyone have the chinese series title “atireach sdach srey kokrork mer” it was uploaded by rattana 100 on youtube couple years ago but it was never finish.

  • phada

    anybody have this series? i don’t know the khmer title though.

  • roth

    Do u have forensic hero 3 and rosy business?? i was been looking for it. 🙂

  • Jol Juol

    What’s a good way to rip dvd? I got some dvd to share, I like to rip to low size file but still keep good graphic. I also want to rip dvd to ISO file. Anyone can tell me how?

    • Rei

      I use DVD Decrypter or Imgburn to rip my DVDs, and Handbrake to encode all my MP4 files. They’re all free and good software.

      • Jol Juol

        Thanks, Rei, my dvd has viet/khmer audio, I want to rip only khmer audio, any setting I can select for this in DVD Decrypter?

        • Groupon

          @ Jol Juol: You can use SmartRipper,
          It enable u to select audio and it’s ripping in VOB. Then you can use handbreak to encode. But for me, I like to encode with Aiseesoft MKV Converter portable. Quality? u can see how it’s like for all my upload. Let me know it you need the Aiseesoft MKV Converter portable, no installation needed.

          • jj

            I got SmartRipper 2.41, I don’t see any option to select the audio. So u guy rip dvd ISO and then convert .vob file to other file type for upload? Can you cut or trim iso .vob file and upload .vob?

          • Groupon

            i’ll let you know tonight. U cannot trim or doing anything in SmartRipper besides encoding to vob and selecting audio. However, once u have a vob, u can use Aiseesoft MKV Converter to trim, watermark, and set video quality.

  • Jol Juol

    Requesting for Treasure Venture, it looks funny, thanks much.

  • ironfingers

    I hope Spp doubt this series next Horizon Moon Knife , if so kindly upload =)

  • Phath Nat

    សូមដាក់រឿង រាជបុត្រឆ្លងភពផង ភាពយន្តកូរ៉េ

  • K-Bross

    you don’t need no program to rip your dvd…. Jest load you dvd into your hard drive and go to your hard drive file where the dvd located and click one the dvd file… Highlight all the file that the dvd give you in your hard drive, then just save it to your new folder….. Your PC will rip your dvd for you…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

    Now for encode your video file, i use Free-Video-Converter ( ) this program have you high quality video with less PC Bits to uplad…. IT way better than Handbrake

    • Jol Juol

      Freemake would be great if it work for me, it converted my file successfully to various file types, but the file only play the first few minutes and then the video is stuck at some halfway point. Do you experience this with freemake, any way to get around this?

      • K-Bross

        that happen to me is not Freemake software do it … Is your hard drive that read the disc . try clean your disc if you what to convert straight from the disc using Freemake……
        Or just copy the disc from your hard drive, then convert it to Freemake….

  • ironfingers

    Hey guys, I was snooping at the SPPCI website and saw some new series, I can’t wait for you guys to upload them, They all look really good!

  • crazychucc53

    an somebody upload the legendary swordsman 2000

  • phada

    here are my requests:

    Old time buddy 1997
    Old time buddy – to catch a thief 1998
    Simply Ordinary 1998
    A loving spirit 1999
    Looking back in anger 1989

  • K-Bross

    1.A Rough Side of A lady TVBI comedy
    2. Aiming High TVBI comedy
    3. Duke Of Mount Deer 2000 Thai Saing comedy

    i just buy 3 old TV Drama is on there way here…. So which one yah want to see first?

  • K-Bross

    1.A Rough Side of A lady TVBI comedy
    2. Aiming High TVBI comedy
    3. Duke Of Mount Deer 2000 Thai Saing comedy
    i just buy 3 old TV Drama is on there way here…. So which one yah want to see first?

  • Sophie

    Does anyone have the drama “Food Glorious Food” starring Ruby Lin. I know its dubbed in Khmer because I remembered seeing it when I was young.

  • Jol Juol

    When video play in youtube, it play default at 360p, you have to select better quality when available to get better quality. When video uploaded to youtube and play here at khmerAvenue, what quality does it play at by default? Anyway to make it play at highest quality available by default, (for downloading).

  • amey

    why i can’t watch movie”Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre 2000” pls upload more ep41 cause i like watch this movie on khmer avenue .

  • linda

    hi i was wondering if anybody have chinese series from the 90’s please upload love the old series but there’s barely any so please upload would really appreciate it thank you

  • amey

    thank k-bross:>,but can you estimate to me when that you can re post again cause i wait to watch this movie continue :> hope is soon.

  • phada

    can somebody re-upload the Commandments 1992? It’s no longer working on khmeraccess

  • Mara

    can someone please upload zu mountain saga if they have it. thanks.

  • akara

    Does anybody have Crimson Sabre 2000? I found it on KhmerFever but it’s no longer works…Please upload you guy have it.

    Thanks in advance!

  • chharath

    can someone upload kamom chunabot movie please

  • chharath

    plz uploads lots of thai boran movies..dont know the name of the movie that ive seen but its 52parts, something about 3people from heaven born as 1person and their body changes when weather changes or something…if u know what movie talking about plz upload..thanx

  • chenna

    Hey chharath, I have that Thai boran. One girl n two brothers in one body right? Well n e way, I’ll put that up for u this week ok

  • groupon

    Once I’m done w/Crimson Sabre, I will upload zu mountain saga I & II, then Commandments. If other uploader, want to upload first, feel free. Since this weekend will be busy for me. Had to go to Temple for Bon Pajum Ben to wash all sin from uploading these movies heheheh

  • groupon

    Any Thai horror for upload?

  • roth

    anyone have chinese movie name every move you make and rosy business 1? pls upload it thx 🙂

  • Hamster

    There is a Thai lakorn that I want to see. I’m not sure of the title but I think it’s called S’aob Jompok Ler. It starred Oil and Kob.

  • Gabee

    There’s Actually A Chinese Series From TVB I Really Wanna Watch Its Called “Colourful Life” Starrin Annie Man, If AnyBody Can Upload It, I Would Be One Happy Camper!!!

  • Linna

    Can someone pls upload the seventh fairies chinese series… Thx in advance…

  • sovath

    ill be so much appreciative if sombody can upload the latest duke of mount deer.. i believe its 2011 or 10 im not sure but pls and thank u

  • roth

    can anyone upload taiwan funny movie drama?? thx 🙂

  • Hamster

    I want to request The Greed of Man. Heard that it’s really good.

  • Main

    I’ve been searching for some current Khmer made movies. Are there any??????

  • chenna

    hi main, i will b posting a newly release khmer drama in a coupe of days for u

  • Hamster

    Hi guys, this is not a request per se, but if anyone does have it PLEASE share. I have been looking for this series for a long time. It’s called The Last Swordsman, Chinese title is 最后一个大侠. It is Singoporen production. I watched it once when it first came out, now it’s so hard to find.

  • chenna

    hi M, i will have it up tomorrow..schedule been really tight lately..thanks for being patience! luv ya

  • Jol Juol

    What’s happening to KhmerAccess? I clicked on my Favorite link for KhmerAccess, and I get KhmerPortal new look.

  • pharath

    any1 know where i can find sword heroes… most of them ( from steaming khmer video server or youtube… ) are not available…

  • pharath

    any1 know where i can find sword heroes… most of them ( from steaming khmer video server or youtube… ) are not available…

  • Chantu

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has the Chinese Series title called “Kou Preng Trap Ni Say (Knock Knock Loving You)?” OR “A Terracotta Warrior (unable to watch it on khmeravenue)” OR “Jade Palace” (unable to watch it here too). Thanks alot if anyone have time to reload it…

  • chenna

    hi chantu, i checked both movies (knock knock, terrracotta warrior) nd it seems like both r working fine for me..what is it sayen for you when u tried to play it

  • roth

    anyone have the curse of the royal harem?? pls upload or fix it coz i can’t watch. thx

  • M

    Please, put more khmer movies. If you have “chagn chet tbet srolanh” by Bayon TV that would be awesome. thanks!

  • kimster

    does anyone have “wu dang 2004” or called “Yutisel Ou Tang 2004” in khmer starring carmen lee? it used to be on youtube but i can’t find it anyone, can somebody help?

  • om ratana

    Hi everyone, Please put the Chinese movie “The Buddhism Palm Strikes Back 1992”
    I want to watch it again cus i saw it since i was young! Thank a lot for everyone!

  • om ratana

    Please upload “The Zu Mountain Saga” i like it!

  • channary

    Hiii all, Just wondering if anyone can upload “love recipe” I was watching it in english sub, And I pay more attention to the subtitle then I am to the actors, Smh So if anyone can upload it in khmer It’ll be nice 😀 Thanks in advance!

  • channary

    oh forgot to mention “Love recipe” is a tawainese series. If anyone can upload it, I’ll forever be grateful lol!!

  • channary

    whoops I meant taiwanese*

  • Sawan

    Does anyone have The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber 2000? If you do, please upload it. That was my favorite version. I have it on video cassette but the tapes are no longer watchable. I’m still old school. Lol. I’d really appreciate it. Thanks!

  • khmergurlz4o8

    can someone pls upload heartstrings korean drama dubbed khmer?

  • Jessica

    Anyone can upload “Qi Pao” Thai lakorn starring by Mart Krissadat & Ann Thongprasom.
    pleasseeee 🙂 This is Drama/Horror/Romance !! I love it :
    Any Information there :

  • Melody

    Can anyone of u guys upload Keo pnake somnop chet wit Tik in it in mayura dubbed.. Thanks.

  • kimster

    can anyone upload the trilogy to the series the “legend of the general who never was,” “general father, genreral son,” which is called “Destined To Rebel 1986”?

  • roth

    anyone have chinese drama called snam besdoung rong krous??

  • Hamster

    I would like to request Sword Stained with Royal Blood 1985(?). It starred Felix Wong and Miu Kiu Wai.

  • Chantu

    Hi, just wanted to see if anyone will upload these Chinese Dramas called
    1. The legend of chinese zodiac (Reisey Teing)
    2. All Men Are Brothers (Lohet Verakjun)
    3. Chrek Kompheng Neakreaj (Jade Palace)
    4. Neik Klahan Angkeir Sel (Strange Heroes)
    Thanks, would love to watch these some day. Do you know where I can watch it?

  • amey

    can someone pls help to upload Chinese movie ” A Taste of Love 2001 ”.?

  • Zeroage

    does any1 have “The young warriors of the yang clan” with Hu Ge?

  • Zeroage

    Oh also does anyone have ” Secret of the Linked Cities” with Wu Yue? this was my most favorite drama when i was young 😀

  • din

    can upload story shoalin king of martial art dubbed and wudang 1?

  • kimkim

    can i request the military seal 2012, it was just released by sppci

  • groupon

    was wondering, is Swordsman 2013 by Wallace Huo is a remark of The Smiling Proud Wanderer?

  • K-Bross

    Do yah know that all the 1213 chinese tv drama is all blue-ray, but i don’t know if khmer gonna dubbed in Blue-Ray,,, But the original chinese tv drama is all Blue-Ray

  • groupon

    I doubt Khmer will be in blu-ray cuz too expensive. It’s just hard enough too sell regular dvd

    • Rei

      Yeah I don’t think we’ll be seeing that day soon, and not to mention that most of the dubbed videos I’ve seen all year are not even in HD.

  • K-Bross

    will all Chinese movies and tv drama are HD but when SPPCI dubbed it, they compress a lot off part in to one disc that make the movie non HD…. When Vietnamese, Laos, Thai dubbed they Chinese movie and TV Drama is all HD format…. Just Cambodian SPPCI stupid put a lot of part in to one disc that fuck up the movie quality…. Look at Khmer2doves whin they dubbed Karen TV Drama, the quality is very good, some of then even HD….

    • groupon

      Also some of eps are missing, like Xuan Yuan. It’s one whole eps they didn’t dubbed. Not just Xuan Yuan but i notices some other movies dubbed by sppci missing part.

  • Samphors

    Can anyone upload the new Phillipine version of Temptation of A Wife?? I really want to see this movie. plz upload it if you have it! thank you!

  • roth

    anyone here have the movie that from sunday production??

  • AoD

    Any1 have Fated to love you?

    I have ep 1 to 5 and 19 to 27. i wonder if some1 have the 5 to 18?

    i dont mind to upload the serie but its gonna be incomplete

  • sesese

    i would like to request Gun and Glory 1993 ATV, New legend of Chor Lau Heung 2001, and 36th chambers of Southern shaolin starring Wu Jing

  • Channary

    Does anyone have a korean drama called “suspicious family” aka “Shady family” If anyone does can you please upload it (:

  • Bobo

    can someone plz upload condor hero 2006, demi gods and semi devils 2003, and legend of dagger li 1999

  • PHAL

    I like movie All men are brothers when u complete it?thank u

  • sesese

    does anybody have Twin of Brothers 2011 or is it 2012? if so plz upload it thx.

  • sreyoun

    Hi, Rei can you pretty please upload *military seal* if you have it. Thank you! can wait to hear from ya 🙂

  • Chantu

    Hi, just wondering if anyone has the Chinese drama called “Symphony of Fate (Destiny’s Concerto) (Ming Yun Jiao Xiang Qu) OR Ru Yi, both dramas starring Yang Mi? It’s a 2011 drama. Could you put it up if you have it? Thanks…

  • K-Bross

    military seal I’ll have it but i don’t want to upload it cause i don’t like the story line of the movie it suck…… I think that the wast of a disc to put that movie on dvd…. Spp dubbed some corny ass movie…. lol

  • K-Bross

    yah Wuxia and some demon movie that came out on 2012 and 2013, and some kung-fu like The Kung Fu Master 2012…. They need to stop dubbed them corny war story

  • K-Bross

    demi gods and semi devils 2013, and The Swordsman 2113 AKA The Smiling Proud Wanderer…
    Journey To The West 2013 is very good 10 time better then the 2012….

  • Layla

    Can someone please please upload Khmer dubbed version of Fated to Love you. It’s a Taiwanese/Chinese drama. Thank you sooo much!!!

  • Ben

    Hi, Does anyone know if Faith / The great doctor (Korean Drama) has been dubbed and uploaded anywhere? Thanks

  • thida

    Can someone Please upload a Thai series called “Rak Nee Hua jai Jong” the khmer title is sneah smoss oss pee doung chet , it stars ken& janie. Where they are stranded on an island.

  • chenna

    I will b putting up chhour jab next….

  • Vannida

    Some videos aren’t working bong srey..

  • chenna

    hi all, most of my vids arent working right now. i will be fixing them right now. will take me sum time. if u want, pm those that u r watching, otherwise i will just reupload n e random one. thanks for being patience….

  • M

    Hey Chenna, u r so sweet, thanks for let us know. LOL, I thought that’s my computer and the router box doing that to me so I restarted them like crazy.
    I had this problem since Friday while I was watching Kolab Por Sar, need to finish 27 and 28. I switched to watch Chheur Chhab yang Nar Kor Su Tram.
    Would be awsome if you could fix those two, million thanks to U…:)

  • chenna

    @ M, i will do that next! thx 4 letting me know…nd sorry u have to go thru that confusion

  • Ramy

    Hi Chenna, I cannot watch Forensic Heroes II, can you reupload it again?

  • chenna

    hi ramy, i will fix this one today.. thanks for letting me know

  • Ramy

    Thank Chenna for fixing the movie, do you have Thai movie “Thara Himalai” and the other 3 series? If you have, can you upload it? Thank you.

  • Kimmy

    Does anyone have Weir and Pinky’s lakorn Wong Wien Hua Jai ” Revolving Heart” I think. If so please upload. Many thanks in advance.

  • Chantu

    Hi, does anyone have this Thai Lakorn called “Teasakor sneah yong knorng” starring Tono Pakin Kumwilaisuk & Aim Siriphitchaya Wisitwaithakakun. The Thai title is “Bu-Ngah Nah Fon”. Please upload if anyone has it. Looks like a great story. Also, does anyone have the Chinese drama called “Ming Yun Jiao Xiang Qu” starring Yang Mi & Feng Shao Feng? Thanks…

  • roth

    anyone have winter melon tale and koun prosa chnass mdai kmek chnerm movie? pls upload if anyone have it. thx

    • theary

      Hi Roth

      I have both of them… both of them from lily dear.
      Thanks to her for sharing these great series
      I will upload them for you… but probably not soon though, because I have to finish uploading my the other series first.

      If anyone have them and would like to upload, please do so.

  • roth

    ok.. take ur time, u can upload whenever u are free.. thx

  • koko

    hey K-bross will ( god of honour ) be uploaded more or is something wrong with the video?

  • Ramydaboramy

    Can you upload Korean movie call “you are my destiny”?

  • Hamster

    Can someone who has The Blood Stained Intrigue upload it please?

  • Chanda

    More Chinese vampire and ghost series please.

  • jinusean

    if any of your guy got smart kid can u upload it

  • venus

    can someone please upload an old thai lakorn ‘sleuk cheur’ by andrew gregson and suvanant kunying? thank you

  • theary

    Hi Venus,

    I will have sleuk cheur up within a couple day for you……..

  • groupon

    I know this is a stream site and there’s a lot of peepz in here that r good in tech/pc etc, maybe (if possible) Admin can add another “Techie” category to help members with pc advise. Any issue with pc, best video card, best motherboard, problem etc… 🙂

    • groupon

      hoping a lot of member to get involve while waiting for uploader to upload more movies. Eventho they have no movie to upload but can productive in helping 🙂

    • Ash

      Thank you for the suggestion Groupon! I can create a section for that since it will help Khmer Avenue a lot. Will this be a video advice, or more like a blog/writing format?

  • Venus

    does anybody have a lakorn called ‘sleuk chher’? the title in thai is ‘Look Mai Klai Ton’. the main actor is andrew and the main actress is kob. please click on this link to see their pictures:—Fruit-far-from-the-Tree.html
    please upload this if you have it. thank you

  • Mia

    Does anyone have an old but classic Lakorn, “Roy Marn” starring Saranyu Wongkrajarng and Pen? If so pleaseeeeee pleaseeee would you upload it. Thanks a million.

  • Sawan

    Hi guys, I would like to request Kone Kromom Mean Veasna (Jao Sao Prissana) starring Anne Thongprasom and Nok Chatchai and Pteah Meas (Dome Thong) starring Saranyu and Nampueng Nattharika. Those are such classics from the good old days.

    I just want to take the time out and thank all of Khmeravenue’s uploaders for their hard work. I really appreciate everyone’s time and effort uploading all of these wonderful dramas and series for us. You guys are doing a great job. Thanks for bringing back good memories from our childhoods 🙂

    • Lizabder

      I so hope someone would upload Ptas Meas (Dome Thong). I know there is a remake this year but do want to watch the original! Please upload it if you have it. Joa Sao Prissana is also a favorite of mine, too! Love Anne!

  • Bee

    I would like to request thai lakorn Snaeha Nak Labey with Mos and Bee if you have it.

    Thank you so much for all that you guys do. 🙂

  • groupon


    Mega Beta give free user 50Gb storage.

  • Chanda

    Pthneak Ngear Di Ay E Pises I & 2

  • tee

    Can you upload duke of mount deer 1998, thanks

  • tina

    can someone upload wong sawan? starring aom pratamaporn and boy sapol. khmer title is vong savan. please and thank you

  • Rita

    Can someone upload crazy monk 4? i really want to watch it.. love the series

  • Ramy

    Hi can someone upload hong kong movie called “Highs and Lows”?

  • lisa

    Can anyone upload Korean movie call “you are my destiny”?

  • Jak

    Does anyone have this series The Swordman Lai bo yee or The Vampire return it a old tvb drama….

  • noodles

    does anyone have this thai drama pronounced : nei hoi kane …..

  • Liz

    Does anyone has the Thai lakorn, Dome Thong? If so, can you upload please?! Love both the main actor and actress. Thank you!!!

  • Bobo

    does any1 have condor hero 2006, demi gods and semi devils 2003, and legend of dagger li 1999. if so, can u plz upload

  • kimster

    does anyone have this thai series called heart of chocolate or called chocolate love

  • chenna

    hi kimster, i’ll check to see if i have it. i think i might..

  • Jessica

    Hi Chenna, Can you upload PEE MAK, played by Mai Davika and Mario Maurer pleassseeee 🙂

  • chenna

    @jessica, is that new? if its an older series, i can look for it

      • Sawan

        Chenna, Pee Mak Phrakhanong isn’t a series. It’s a movie in Thailand that just opened in theaters this April. It’s still in theaters and is one of the highest grossing movies in Thailand. Very popular right now.

        Jessica, I don’t think you’ll be able to see this anytime soon because it’s still in theaters. Khmer dubbing companies rarely dub Thai movies so I doubt that Chenna will be able to upload it for you. But since it’s so popular, some company might decide to dub it for us Khmer viewers but not anytime soon. You’ll have to wait a couple months after Pee Mak gets released on DVDs. By then, the Khmer dubbing companies will probably get hold of a copy and dub it for us.

  • sophany

    chenna- can you upload a boran lakorn called GOMIN ive been trying to find this series but no luck 🙁 it will be greatly appreciative 😀

  • mendy

    please can someone upload Flower Boy Ramyun Shop

  • chenna

    heyy sophany, ill checked. if i do hve it, ill post it up ok

  • chenna

    thanks sawan for clarifying it!

  • NSL

    Hi, I have been looking for tv series call “The 36 chamber of Shaolin”

    Could some please upload these series.

    Thank you very much,

  • chenna

    heyy there sophy, i do have this drama. just have to look for it. i’ll upload it when i find it

  • Sophy

    thank uuu for the reply!! i cant wait!!! ^^

  • Marlissa Choum

    Anyone has any new or good korean dramas?????

  • chenna

    hi all, n e request, please pm me or go to forums. i unintentionally forgets sometimes….

  • sophy

    chenna how do i PM you? pleease add ruk tur took wan with aom and ken!! thank u!!!

  • chenna

    hi sophy, u can do so by clicling on my name. easier is just to nd add ur request there > n i do have that lakorn…just have to find it…just give me sum time while im trying to do other request b4..thanks

  • sophy

    @ chenna; OK i see, thanks!!

  • savanna

    Please add goong (princess hours) korean drama

  • savanna

    wow thank you theary!!!

  • sesese

    any1 happen to have Smart Kid *dicky cheung serie*

  • naleen

    please add Winter Sonata!!!

  • naleen

    yay!! thank you Theary

  • Rachana

    I would like to request colourful life with frankie and annie

  • theary

    I have the colourful life with frankie and annie.
    I will try to post it for you;-)

    i got this series from someone back then….the thank you the original poster though

  • D

    Do anybody have the movie called from act to act

  • Denna

    Hi does anyone have this boran lakorn?

    Please upload!!! 🙂 please and thank you!!!

  • savanna

    Hi Theary do you have any other good korean dramas? I

  • savanna

    @ Theary Wow soo many i want to watch <3!!! umm do you have Ms panda and Mr hedgehog,Mary stayed out all night,and Flower boy Ramyum shop?
    any of those would be great!!! thanks soo much!

    • theary

      Dear Savanna,
      Mary stayed out all night and Marry me is athe same series which Chenna posted in Khmeravenue already…. below is the link

      The Other two series not dubbed in khmer yet. If they release in khmer version , either me or Chenna will be glad to share with you 😉

      • savanna

        @ Theary …oh okay, some titles are confusing lolz! thank you for your help 🙂 if you have any favorites that is not on here yet please upload!! I’m new to k-dramas and recently got hooked on them! <3

  • kym

    Chenna!! do you have the New thai series with ken&namtarn called majurat see nampueng?

  • Sawan

    Does anyone have “Revelation of the Last Hero” starring Aaron Kwok and Noel (Vivian) Leung?

    • Sawan

      Oh yeah, I’d appreciate if someone upload “Thief of Honor” with Vivian too. Was too young to know what was going on when I was younger. Lol. I’d love to rewatch it to see what it was about. Thanks a bunch guys!

  • sreych1n

    Can someone please upload PRATINAWONG? Thank you! and REVELATION of the LAST HERO? Thanks!

  • Janna

    Please upload “That winter, the wind blows” korean drama


  • yeahkhmer

    hey rei
    do you have the drama starring Pinky and weir
    “Songkream besdoung” or thai title Wong Wien Hua Jai

  • Marvelous

    Do you have The Legend of Condor Hero 1983?

  • Mary saroun

    Hey chenna do you have this new thai lakorn ?

  • chenna

    hhi mary, this lakorn is not out yet. either theary nd i will upload it when we have it

  • spn_1109

    Hi, does anyone have Dicky Cheung’s drama “Smart Kid” or the Khmer title “Obarach Kmang”? I’ve watched this before. It used to be on veoh or youtube but now I can’t find it anywhere. Please do upload and share if you have this.

  • ice

    Can u please re upload the Hong Kong drama god of honor? Thank

  • spn_1109

    Do you know if the Kdramas “Ojakgyo Brothers” and “King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu” are dubbed in Khmer? It seems like the drama that I really like are never dubbed in Khmer.

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  • Heng senghort

    Hi, i can’t find korean drama name is my love come from star dub khmer. Can u help me?

  • radcliffe

    please upload the other side of the horizon and the flying fox of snow mountain 1985 with eng subtitles… i am ready to help in creating the time codes for the other side of the horizon … it has only 12 episodes please help to create english subs

  • smey

    Why do we have to put subs on are videos when we are khmer and understand khmer and isn’t this a khmer site not anothere nationality and also we speak khmer on top of that I don’t understand what nationality are u

  • VK

    Pls upload Duke of Mount Deer 2000. I really want to watch this movie

  • thai lakorn request

    I was wondering if anyone has the thai drama call “yod ya yee”. The khmer title is called “ya yee kompol sneah”. If you do can you please upload it.

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