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Sorry, additional videos can only be added to this album/channel by chenna!
rei, tell me ur drooling now! bet its better than ur cup noodles lolz
OMG!!! This is awsome….love it…I just finished my dinner, but I want a bowl of that noodle soup….lol…
Rei, I try to get the ingredients on the screen but when I click on pause button, it black out the screen.
gonna let my oun do this less the “pka jan” (star anise).. I guess that’s what’ it call. Never like that smell
It is really look delicious, but I don’t think I can cook just like you. A lot of ingredients. I am a type that just throw thing in the oven and 45 minutes later ready to eat. But I think I just need to go to your house. Would you adopt me? 🙂
I would like to be adopted too, to the person that can make a killer katiev lol. Craving as typing. 😀
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