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In support for independent Khmer films, this will be played in Lowell, MA Showcase Cinema 1/27/2013 @ 11:00AM.
Holy shitt! i know this hood nd sum of these ppl i used to go school with nd hangout! Haven’t been in touch wid them! Missed deh blvd hahaha.. Good old days!
wack ass
this shit is gay anyway mad gay please dont comeout its sad to said
Omg Its funny not to be mean but come on they could do better it’s not like there’s better khmer people that look better and speak better english it’s sad but srry to say
This is clearly a low budget film that shouldn’t be put in the same league of movies produced from Hollywood. There are very few independent Khmer movie producers out there in the US that are striving to achieve something. Whether their finished products turn out good or bad, it is a first big step going towards mainstream. These movie producers could use some help from constructive criticism.
Personally, it would be better if they do speak Khmer instead of English. I know it’s a low budget but at least speak your own language. I saw a few other low budget movies and majority spoke their language. Not to look down on Khmer folk, but most Khmer folk always scare or afraid that their kid can’t speak English. They should be worrying of losing their native tongue. I guess we adopted to too much in American’s culture and 4gotten our root. Also, even once a year to Wat, ppl still too bz and complaining. Imagine every Sunday, I wonder how Khmer would react lol… Just my perspective and what i see around me.
Nice critique, Groupon. For mainstream Khmer movies, I prefer them filmed in our language as well, with English subtitle. Like you said, other successful foreign films were able to pull it off.
Unfortunately, kids this generation don’t speak Khmer.
I agree with you both Ash and Groupon, It would be GREAT if they were to speak in our native language, but again now a day with the new generation, they can’t speak our language anymore, its sad.
The sad thing is: most Cambodian kids don’t know how to speak Khmer and can’t speak proper English to save their life. Now the trailer–I’m confused. I want to be interested in this movie. However, I had to re-watch the trailer three to four times to kind of get the gist of what this movie is about. At first I thought the actors were speaking some other language, but after watching it the second time I figured out they were speaking English. The compilations of scenes also threw me off: I still am not sure I know what this movie is about. I know that I can’t do a better job than this, so I understand it may have been a feat to get all this together and I give props to the person/group of people who got all this together. I just hope that she/he/they take all of our constructive criticisms for the next movie.
I like chimes movie
Yeah I so agree with everyone that post their comment the Khmer ppl in Ottawa Ontario the 1 s that are 30 and under can’t even speak Khmer like I was raise to speak khmer and Englis. And I have some Khmer friend they can’t even speakKhmer when I see this it makes me feel sad u are Khmer but u can’t even speak it we are going extinct but some only know how to swear in Khmer
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