KhmerDrama is an Asian entertainment and Khmer community website providing user submitted videos, movie trailers, music videos, comedy, blogging and more!
Khmotion media
Hey merlkon take down our video from You have no permission to share my link.
Videos are added by members of our websites based on fair use. Please send proof that you are the original dubbing copyright holder to, and I will gladly review and match it. If no actions are taken in 24 hours, I will close this comment.
Please note that embedding copyright-protected content without permission is not an infringement, especially when you make your content embeddable on Youtube or Facebook. I suggest that you disable embedding on the videos you hosted on Facebook.
Ash, if the “edit” button for commenting was implemented, the drama with May could’ve been avoided. She clearly got confused, made a couple of mistakes in her comments and wanted to amend it.
Khmotion media
Hey merlkon take down our video from You have no permission to share my link.
Videos are added by members of our websites based on fair use. Please send proof that you are the original dubbing copyright holder to, and I will gladly review and match it. If no actions are taken in 24 hours, I will close this comment.
Please note that embedding copyright-protected content without permission is not an infringement, especially when you make your content embeddable on Youtube or Facebook. I suggest that you disable embedding on the videos you hosted on Facebook.
Interesting since the site owner is here since KM had embedded several of my watermarked videos over the years. 😀
yea mine too lolz…dude please…
May (Soft Banned)
Hey Ash, I would like to delete some comments that I made, can you assist me with that?
@May, sure I can help. Since you’ve been posting as a guest, just link me to the pages that need the comments removed. My email:
Ash, if the “edit” button for commenting was implemented, the drama with May could’ve been avoided. She clearly got confused, made a couple of mistakes in her comments and wanted to amend it.
@Rei, I know. It’s being considered on the next update.
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